Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Primer Poste

The internet is a common receptacle for the waste products of the mind. This is now accepted almost universally as common fact. I will do my best not to add to the pile, and instead to express myself in a concise, and hopefully somewhat entertaining manner. After all, if we cannot retell our lives as if they were a long, multi-faceted joke, what is the purpose in going on?

This is my first post on this blog. It is June of 2007, and I am, just now, a full 5 years after many would argue the last bubble of internet dotcom fluff nonsense has long burst. As a general rule, I think blogs serve three purposes: to spread very good and useful information, to spread very poor and useless (albeit entertaining) information, and to vent.

Mine is for the latter. I may mix in a few sprinkles of the former, and the prior at times, but don't count on much.

Welcome to my blog. Enjoy what you read -- it is my uncensored observation on a great many things that pass by the window sill of my mind during the day.